Ben Bernanke savior of the World, but can he walk on water?

On Friday August 21st in a speech in Jackson Hole Wyoming, Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke declared” We have saved the World from disaster.

He continued, ” As severe as the economic impact has been, it could have been decidedly worse.”

Hallelujah! Praise the lord!.

Despite jobless claims increasing, and real unemployment exceeding 20%.

Despite the dollar being diluted as fast as the printing presses can print.

Despite small businesses being squeezed out of existence,

and despite a projected shortfall of $ 9 trillion over the next 8 years

Chairman Bernanke in lock step with President Obama and the socialist regime he leads, can state with a straight face that”  we have saved the economy from disaster.”

………So Far……..Maybe……..Or maybe not!!!

The government persists in putting a very one sided spin on the economic numbers, and the lap dog press spews the diluted pap that they are fed.

Their  ignorance of the dangerous times and potential disasters that they are perpetrating shows gross incompetence, and disregard for the survival of our country and our economy.

By “cooking the books” they are leaving the American public with misinformation and a lack of  knowledge necessary to survive hard times.

But they will have their social agenda.  Just no functioning society to support that agenda.

The real economic numbers are still falling, and misinforming the public is setting them up for another even harder fall.

We thought that the President could walk on water, now we find that the Fed chairman does the water walk bit too.

Competition or self deception?

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