To Get Reelected, All Options are on the Table

June 8th, 2012

            Beware the
Ides of Fall


As the Presidential election looms ever closer, the
prospects for  the Presidents reelection
are becoming  more cloudy.


The economy is drifting.


Unemployment is stubbornly high.


The psyche of the Nation is in turmoil.


We are being divided along racial, economic, and gender


The hope and change he promised is a tragic joke.


There is a health care law that has been rammed down our
throats against our will.


Our allies have been denigrated and rebuked,


The Presidents philosophy  appears to be a form of National Socialism.
When he appoints Czars to work outside the framework of Advise and Consent, he
sends a strong signal that he is the Boss and will do what he wants.


In this framework of ego and control, the prospect of losing
an election is an anathema to the ruling party.


If the prospects for reelection continue to turn negative, I
fear that our system will be placed in jeopardy.


There are many things that a philosophically inspired leader
can do to change the course of a free election, especially when he feels that
he is doing them for our own good.


Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


The progressives have plotted and planned for this President
and this power for many decades.


elections  were influenced  by terrorist attacks in their subway system 3
days before the election.


FDR was a war time president who could not be defeated.


The plotting of the Jews to take over Germany
gave Hitler a path to gaining power.


History is filled with examples of acts of “god” that
influenced the course of human affairs.




This Fluke Smells Very Fishy

March 5th, 2012

The creation of a National hysteria revolving around a woman’s  ability to afford a $ 2.00 condom or a $9.00 purchase of birth control pills is fishy at best.

The fact that the woman is a $ 40000.00 / year Georgetown Law School student , living a free and easy life while working towards a post graduate job at some liberal law firm of political activist political committee  seems to be somewhat of a fluke in the context of modern society.

Your sexual activity and sexual orientation is your business.

Do what you want,but leave the rest of us alone.

We don’t care what you do in your bedroom, I pay for my private life, you pay for your’e.

You can “burn your bre, I will burn my underpants, .”

You don’t care about my actions, I sure don’t care about yours.

You would never have been my type, and I was never desperate enough to…well better not go there,  the press might jump on my case too.

The G D P , Another Lie, and Another Lie ,and Another, Etc.

February 2nd, 2012

Yesterday, the Government announced that the U S GDP( Gross Domestic Product)  grew at an annualized rate of 1.7% for all of 2011.

Wow ! Really ! Whoopee !  So what does that mean to you and me?         

The reality is…Not much.

The implication of a growth rate as small as 1.7% is slow and mediocre at best.

The depressing thing about this number is the President and Co are trying any possible accounting trick to put a positive spin on the economy in an hotly contested election year.

If this barely measured positive growth is the best boost they can come up with, how bad is the reality.

Oh yes, ” We The People”  are living this moribound, opressive economy  and are suffering with  what this reality is doing to our optimisim, and to a sinking standard of living.

This is not our fathers economy or world of opportunity, Hell!!! This isn’t the economy or land of opportunity of only a few years ago.

We were all excited abou ” Hope and Change”

What happened?

Why is our  hope and our future so radically changed in only 3-4 years….


A Perception of Our Future, The Good * The Bad* the Very Ugly* View # 3, The Very Ugly, part 2

January 21st, 2012

The 7th year of the reign of Emperor Obama, begins with the passage of the Declaration of  Social Equality Act.(D S E A)

The Tea Party Rebellion of 2013 had  been crushed by the Emperor’s Red and Purple Berret’s..  The fighting had lasted fpr almost 18 months, with the Rebels finally  being forced from most cities and towns.

On the East Coast, the rebels had taken refuge in various mountain communities stretching from North Georgia to Western Virginia.

 The repeated warnings by right wing media on radio and the internet had prepared many for thr necessity to develop survival skills.

Sadly most of these voices had been stilled, but the message survived and resonated .

Conditions in these mountain strongholds is comparatively primitive, but their motto” Freedom ,Equality, Responsibility” , was the rallying cry of Liberty loving Americans.

The Progressives had attempted to confiscate Gold and Guns from the general population , resulting in numerous acts of violence.

The battles in the streets of American had spawned violence and death on a scale not seen since the Civil War.

The Emperors Red & Purples had been trained in tactical house to house combat. The Green Tea militia was fragmented and hard pressed to defend themselves against the relentless encroachment on their liberty.

The families of freedom loving Americans packed their cars, hitched up their trailers, and sadly but resolutelu said good bye to their homes and headed for the safety of Tea Top refuges in the mountains.

The GDP a Myth of Biblical Proportions

October 29th, 2011

     When the Government dilutes the money supply by printing fiat currency, the result is inflationary.

     In the case of the Federal Reserve , the printing presses are running so fast and furious, that they have already worn out 2 sets of printing presses in the 3 years of the Obama  reign.

     The inflationary pressures are a constant push on prices and a depressant on the purchase power of the American dollar. It takes more and more dollars to buy less and less items.

     Anyone who is responsible forgoing to the grocery store, realizes that the same number of shopping bags, now cost more almosrt weekly, and they also note that much of the packaging has been changed to shrink the amount in the package , while attempting to hide behind a larger box or other creative packaging.

     Yesterday, the Government announced an increase of 2.5% in Gross Domestic Production(GDP) for the 3rd quarter of 2011.

     That announcement coupled with the  European bail out of Greece (another fiasco, that will result in more and more bailouts, and  more and more unbacked paper currency in Europe..Inflation is a many splendid thing..or not!) , sent the stock market soaring.

     It always suprises me, that the so called sophisticated traders and investors can misread the news so dramatically.

     The inflation that is creeping into our economy makes everything more expensive, resulting in more spending for the same items. Hence an increase in GDP….What? We are being burried under paper, our standard of living is dying one paper bill at a time, and the world rejoices at the wonderful news.

     No double dip recession, the economy is growing!

     No default in Greece, the presses are working overtime around the world.

     The real tragedy of this fiscal disaster is that  there is abundant paper and ink. Perhaps the presses will overheat and refuse to continue printing, or perhaps society will decide that accepting printed paper in exchange for food and shelter is a bad idea,-

Ignore history and it will bite you in the butt, a Parable about Behavioral Insanity

September 23rd, 2011

Economic History

Then & Now

A Parable about reckless behavior.

If we deny history

We are destined to repeat our mistakes.



The Roaring 1920’s and the economy


                 Forest  Parable

The 1920’s and the Roaring economy

Study history so we don’t make the same mistakes again


                      Charlie Champion  

The forest was filled with a cacophony of  excitement .

Times were good, and the living was easy.

Several years of plentiful rainfall, moderate winters,  and warm nurturing Springs had turned the forest  into a virtual paradise . 

Food was plentiful.

 The predators had been hunted nearly to extinction by the two legged’s. Those that were not killed had left  for the deep unknown forest  far far away.

The cries, squeaks, craws et. al., of the new babies filled the air .

No predators meant bigger families, but the bounty provided by Mother Nature kept all, well fed. 

The wise old Badger was the local  leader, but his stories and warnings were causing the younger animals  to loose patience . He had lived a long life and was experienced in the  ways of nature . He was concerned that the bad times would come back. The younger animals who had never experienced  the fury of Nature ,refused to believe him..

“Yes my friends.” he warned, ” many of you are young. You do not remember the hard times from before.”

He looked around the clearing.” The Winters are not always so easy. There have been many years when we’ve been plagued by severe drought. ”

   He shook his head sadly,”When the streams dry up, then hunger comes to the forest.”

” Oh go on old man!”  Patty Bunny stamped her foot.” Who has time for sad old stories. Old stories are boreing.”

” Don’t say that,”he responded sternly.”To ignore history is to run the risk of repeating your mistakes.”

“Boo on you” said Ronnie rabit.

“Enough already ,” rasped Willie Weasle,” Lets live the good life. It’s time to party.This is the way it’s always going to be.”

“yada ,ya, ya” They hopped off giggling  and whispering.

Several months passed. The Summer was a distant memory.

A large volcano errupted off the coast. The sky was turned grey almost 750 miles distant.

The weather patterns were  changed. A noticeable drop in temperatures became apparent.

The wild fruits and berries never fully ripened, the tubes and bulbs were underdeveloped.

It was 4 or 5 degrees colder, and..  it it almost never rained.

Food became scarce . No one was prepared.

There were not enough stored acorns.

No stockpiled food.

Shortages developed almost overnight.

And the predators returned!!! Driven by hunger spurred by the drout and the very cold winter.

The happy well fed party generation disappeared in an avalanche of change.

Painful change.

Society altering change.

The 1920’s and the Economy

Want to read more?

Just ask.

The Relationship of Economics to History II

September 23rd, 2011

Economics is a way of keeping score.

Economics is the way we are able to feed ourselves.

Economics is the engine that drives history.

The quest for quantitative gain, either in wealth or sustenance has been the propellant for most wars,  the march of  invading armies, and the annexation of  neighbors lands.

Economics is the fuel which drives society.

From the beginning of human history, people banded together first in clans, and ultimately in tribes and later nations, all with the original need to feed and protect.

To control the source of food and to allocate its distribution was an economic power that could decided life and death.

As society evolved, the symbiotic relationship  economics and history strengthened.

Today, the state of our economy has once again devolved to a more basic level. The days of indiscriminate spending on increasingly absurd possessions are fast disappearing.

Now we have turned into a dependent society.

We expect to be taken care of,,

Thank god for Obama and his Progressive minions.

Our needs are no longer our responsibility.

Pay my heating bills.

Buy my food.

Provide my health care.

Subsidize my rent.

Pay me not to work.

Life is good.

Life is easy


Do Not Believe the Wall Street Rally

August 12th, 2011

My dear friends,

I have told you a number of times during the past 24-36 months, ” do not believe the short term  rallies in the market.”

The economy is in bad shape, and still needs another 18 months to bottom out.

This is assuming that Obama does not get reelected.

If he wins a second term, all bets are off.

When I say bottom out, the last part of this shakeout will be the worst part. As a people we Americans are very adaptable, and have a short memory.

They have gotten us used to a lower standard of living. Gas at 3.75 a gallon is better than 4.25, but still better part of .80-.90 higher than last year.

We are told to drive less, to carpool, and to stock up on sweaters for the winter.  …And  we do it, setling into a less comfortable standard of living.

We are told the rest of the World will love us again if me freeze in the winter, sweat in the Summer,  eat less , and stock up on foods that are generic, and cheaper, meanwhile less fresh and healthy.

Well the rest of the world does not love us, and eating cheap fatty foods is well represented in the spreading rear ends of the American population.

I don’t want to be cold in the winter. I don’t like bulky sweaters. I’ve worked all my life and feel that i’ve earned the right to wear what I want, and heat and air condition my surroundings any way that I choose.

All we have to do is find or keep a job, and pray that inflation and a dropping Stock Market doesn’t wipe out what little we have leftafter loosng our homes.

Sell this bill of goods to someone else.

Beware the Market, especially if the Tax and spend party wins again and does its thing.

America we are in trouble

A Perception of our Future, The Good* The Bad* The Very Ugly, View # 3 The Very Ugly,part I

August 6th, 2011

    When the going gets tough, our leaders look for someone else to blame. Someone else caused the problem.

     For the first 5 years of his administration, President Obama beat on the Bush legacy.

     It was Bush who caused the depression of 07.

     It wasBush who caused the housing crash,

     It was Bush who caused the great Wall Street collapse of 2011-2013.

     Bush created Fannie & Freddie mortgage abuse.

     It was Bush who squandered $ trillions to stimulate the economy, pushing us into an unfunded debt position approaching $100 trillion and counting.

     When the American people finally got tired of the “demon” Bush legacy, the Progressives followed the tried and true path laid out by their Icon ,FDR, and pushed the foolish, but widely accepted, notion that a good expensive war is a savior for the economy.

     “After all, war pulled the United States out of the last Depression, becomes the mantra of a government with little will for hard economic choices.

     The alternative of a greater  war to rescue the economy of the Nation is a grim solution which many find unavoidable.

     The parameters of an exploding  World War III have been fermenting for hundreds of years. 

     The West has been under increasing attack during the past century, with the conflict becoming up close and personal on 9/11/2001.

     While the Progressives have developed an entendre with redical Islam, the opportunity to turn this errupting crisis into an opportunity for political and economic gain is embraced.

     Europe becomes the initial battleground for this conflict, but the soft Muslim underbelly of the Continent makes Europe a hellish place for several decares.

     Terror , reprisals, and retalliations destroy the economies of many countries, and leaves their populations bitter and suspicious.

     North America will become a locked down fortres,  resulting in the stifling of much of our freedoms both civil and economic.

                           End of Part 1 More later

A Perception of Our Future,* The Good * The Bad * The Very Ugly, View # 2 The Bad

July 19th, 2011

The Worlds Leftist Leaning governments sell their populations  on the concept of fiat money.

They embrace  the Keynesian economic theory that printing massive amounts of paper money  will solve the world’s daunting economic woes, when in fact the printing is a core problem with the system.

Over time, most currencies lose most of their value.

Inflation runs rampant, destroying the middle class. This has the effect of handicaping the most productive people in society; the primary segment in society that produces more tha they consume.

The negative economic climate leaves succesful corporations with $billions in cash, reluctant to expand in the turbulent  environment.

Rather than hold large sums of currency, they use the “stimulus” money to but their own stock, or to fund mergers and acquisitions.

This infusion of corporate cash into the stock markets, results in a stock market boom in the midst of a spreading depression.

The U S Government, believing that it has the obligation to “make everything fair, and to spread the wealth” embarks on new draconian ways to control the economy.

Price controls.

Wage controls.

Limiting Corporate compensation.

Eliminating corporate tax write offs “labeled tax loopholes” takes away incentives for investments in new technology

Petroleum products become increasinglt expensive and rationing becomes the accepted norm.

A Government agency is set up to enforce the mountain of new laws and regulations.

The population becomes increasingly  dependent upon the government for survival.

Politics becomes the best way to manipulate the masses, and the surest way to accumulate wealth at the public trough.

The flow of people fleeing the United States turns into a Tsunami, as life becomes increasingly grim and restrictive.